Friday, November 21, 2014

433. Rock 'N' Roll Nightmare (1987)

November 21, 2014

I've been wanting to have a John Fasano tribute for quite some time, since he passed away the same day as our first Bad Movie Night, on July 19, 2014. So for our third Bad Movie Night, we watched three John Fasano films, starting with 'Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare' (aka 'The Edge of Hell'). Jon Mikl Thor starred in this hilariously bad rock 'n' roll themed movie that more or less turned into a religious film... But I'll come back to that in a bit. To begin with, at an old farmhouse a young boy watches his parents die when a skeleton/demon comes out of the oven and kills them. Then they must have strapped a camera to a cat and had it run wild around a living room for several minutes, followed by about 10 minutes of a van driving. The van arrives at the old farmhouse and Thor and his band 'The Tritonz' get out and talk about how they're there to record an album. They do the dishes a lot and sometimes they practice their songs (with strobe lights going because that makes practicing and recording way better). There are also several uncomfortable and uninteresting sex scenes that become really confusing if you think about them after the movie ends. Oh, and demons are roaming the house, killing the band members and turning them into more demons! After all that nonsense, we get to the final showdown (this is when things start to feel dangerously religious) where Thor's girlfriend turns into a huge demon and Thor declares he is an angel and he has been expecting the demon, and apparently nothing that had previously happened had actually happened (meaning there were lots of weird sex scenes that Thor had just imagined, or something). Thor thwarts the demon's starfish and sends the demon back to hell in what looked like about $10 worth of fireworks. This movie was worth watching for the creatures alone, but I'm going to recommend it to everyone anyway for no reason whatsoever.

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