Wednesday, November 5, 2014

402. Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

November 5, 2014

Just as good the second time around, 'Edge of Tomorrow' is one of the better sci-fi movies in recent memory. It tells the story of a man (Tom Cruise) who is thrown into a war against aliens that he didn't want to be a part of. After getting covered in alien blood and then dying, he discovers that every time he dies he has the power to start over at the beginning of the day before he died. He also gets to remember all of the things he learned before dying, which gives him the upper hand in finding a way to kill the aliens and win the war. He meets Emily Blunt, a woman who had the power previously but has since lost it (just a feeling they get, not something that could easily be tested). Together they use Cruise's power to try to fight and win the war. I thought it was fun.

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