Thursday, November 20, 2014

432. Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)

November 20, 2014

I've liked a few Jim Jarmusch films. Not all of them, but a few. 'Only Lovers Left Alive' was not one of them. It was a pretentious and boring arthouse film where nothing really ever happened. I don't need to be wowed. I can handle a boring movie every now and again, but I don't feel my time is well spent watching Tilda Swinton walk or read a book or by watching Tom Hiddleston mope about how he doesn't want anyone to listen to his music or know where he lives. That is pretty much what happened for the first third of the movie. Then it became a tourism video of Michigan starring emaciated vampires. Then Mia Wasikowska showed up and was annoying but at least made it a little more interesting. Then she accidentally killed a guy and left. I vaguely remember the rest of the movie because I kept falling asleep. It wasn't very compelling or memorable, and I don't really recommend it. For a good Jarmusch film, check out 'Dead Man'.

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