Monday, November 17, 2014

425. They Don't Cut the Grass Anymore (1985)

November 17, 2014

Nathan Schiff's deliberately trashy 'They Don't Cut the Grass Anymore' is equal parts disgusting and hilarious. It was inexcusably awful, but they knew that when they made it, so they chose to take the awfulness and have some fun with it. Apparently Schiff made this and several other films (including 'Weasels Rip My Flesh', 'Long Island Cannibal Massacre', and 'Vermillion Eyes') with his 8mm camera and a handful of buddies with the intention of not actually releasing them, but just screening them in his backyard. Also, I read that he recorded the films on VHS by filming the sheet that he was projecting the film on and then used those VHS tapes to give to his friends. I don't know about you, but I'm impressed. In 'They Don't Cut the Grass Anymore', a pair of hillbilly gardeners get tired of their jobs and tired of the bourgeois types they work for and decide to go a rapin' and a murderin' all over town. Not only do they rape and murder, but they go nuts dismembering and defiling the corpses after they're done with them. The effects are atrocious and the acting is even worse, but there is something endearing about this movie that I can't help loving. The whole movie is basically like this:

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