Sunday, November 2, 2014

396. Frank (2014)

November 2, 2014

My wife and I were in the mood for something a little more upbeat and fun, and unfortunately 'Frank' was anything but. It had some good bits, but overall I'd say it was pretty depressing and, at times, annoying. Michael Fassbender starred as the titular Frank and he wore a papier mache head almost the entire time. He was fantastic. He made the movie worth finishing. Domhnall Gleeson played a young and primarily talent-less musician who fortuitously landed a gig in a band when their keyboard player tried to drown himself. Taken to a secluded location in the woods to record their album, Gleeson soon realized just how crazy they all were (particularly because they told him they were crazy - some had even been institutionalized before), and he slowly tried to take the band over for his own goals by posting videos and comments over social media and eventually making himself the manager. The band ultimately fell apart and Gleeson realized it was his fault, so he tried to make amends as best he could. The songs were pretty fun, and they seemed like a band I might've enjoyed at some point in my life, but that couldn't save a film that was overtly bleak and, for all it's potential, a real downer.

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