Friday, November 14, 2014

416. Stretch (2014)

November 14, 2014

'Stretch' was OK. Not great, but definitely watchable. Patrick Wilson plays a limo driver (nicknamed Stretch) who came out to Hollywood to be an actor and ended up stuck in a job he hates with crippling gambling debts. One day his debtor approached him with a warning that if he didn't pay up by midnight he would be toast. Then he ended up getting caught in a crazy web of debauchery with one of his passengers (Chris Pine), an eccentric and apparently super-rich weirdo who promised to pay off his gambling debts if he could get him where he needed to be on time. What followed was a downward spiral of even worse luck for Stretch when he got fired, his limo was reported stolen (and then actually stolen) and then destroyed and towed. With the cops and debt collectors on his tail, Stretch did everything in his power to get where he needed to be on time. Imagine 'Falling Down' on the set of 'Premium Rush' and that is basically this movie. With great performances all around but kind of a weak plot, 'Stretch' is a movie that I would suggest watching once (primarily because Chris Pine was awesome in it) and then forgetting about it.

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