Sunday, November 23, 2014

438. Interstellar (2014)

November 23, 2014

The first half hour of 'Interstellar' is about as perfect as a movie can be. It was at early Spielberg levels of good. It drifted a little after that, but was never bad. The ending was pretty solid too. Although the movie was extremely long, it never felt too tedious, but it did occasionally feel predictable and convenient. Also, I didn't really think of it at the time, but after watching it and discussing it with a friend, I realized the worst part of the movie was Jessica Chastain (who is normally a fantastic actress). She seemed like she was acting in a different movie that was made for the Lifetime network or something. That isn't to say I didn't like the movie, however. Quite the opposite - I thought it was excellent. Anyway, the movie was set in a future where climate change and other catastrophes had caused the planet to be virtually uninhabitable, and a handful of scientists working for what was left of NASA had been coming up with a way to sustain life on another planet. Coincidentally, they found a wormhole near Saturn that allowed them to travel to another galaxy where some of the planets appeared to be hospitable. The scientists sent a handful of astronauts out to visit the other planets with two possible outcomes - either they come back and pick up as many people as they can, or they repopulate using test-tube babies to keep the species going. The mission seemed futile as several things went wrong, but due to quantum mechanics and possibly extraterrestrial forces, they persevered. I highly recommend it, as it was one of the better movies of the year. It had a few flaws, but overall it was fantastic.

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