Tuesday, November 25, 2014

442. Droid (1988)

November 25, 2014

Son of Orion, this movie was incomprehensible! If I didn't know any better, I'd guess that 'Droid' exists because some folks in the 80's had just watched 'Blade Runner' and, armed with a lot of cocaine and no money, decided to make a movie. What really happened is actually even weirder. Someone made an adult movie called 'Cabaret Sin' and then created a heavily censored version which looped several scenes over and over and showed the same images again and again. On top of that, it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. It begins with what is arguably the greatest opening text crawl in cinematic history:
“In the beginning, the Dominants left Earth, leaving behind a depraved, violent society, to be policed by leather clad maniacal androids called REFORMERS. When the theft of a SYSTEM decoder occured, an ELIMINATOR was brought in, a cop they called TAYLOR. No more than a hired assassin,”
It stops there. That's as close as anyone will ever get to figuring this one out. The rest of the movie features TAYLOR trying to get information by hanging out and moping at a strip club called The Pleasure Dome while dancers give strange performances to an even stranger audience. He has an effeminate droid who closely resembles C3-P0 wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses, and a wife (maybe) who closely resembles Rachael from 'Blade Runner'. It seems like they had a lot of interesting (and several stolen) ideas but no clue how to tie them together or create anything even resembling a coherent story. I would recommend it to fans of ultra-obscure, sci-fi oddities, but only going in with the knowledge that nothing will ever be adequately explained or fleshed out and you just get what you get.

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