Saturday, December 27, 2014

497. The Interview (2014)

December 27, 2014

With all the commotion over the Sony hacking scandal, and people thinking North Korea was somehow behind it and they were going to blow us up because of one stupid movie, I (and pretty much everyone else I know) decided I had to see 'The Interview'. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I do have to say if it was all a ruse by Sony to get people to watch a movie that they otherwise wouldn't have paid any attention to, it was brilliant and it worked. That said, 'The Interview' was actually funnier than I anticipated. It was crude, racially insensitive, extremely politically incorrect, and occasionally gross, but it still made me laugh quite a bit. I can see why North Korea would be pretty mad about it too... Anyway, James Franco plays the host of an entertainment news show and Seth Rogen plays his best friend and producer of the show. They find out Kim Jong-un is a fan and decide they want to interview him. Then the CIA tells them they want Franco and Rogen to poison and kill Kim Jong-un. They set up the interview and actually start to become friends with the dictator until they see that he really is crazy and they really will need to kill him. It doesn't seem necessary to me that they used a real person as the target of their assassination plot, as it would have been just as effective to use a fictional character, but I guess the controversy of it all was probably all they really cared about to begin with. It was funny, but don't watch it if you're easily offended.

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