Tuesday, December 9, 2014

463. As Above So Below (2014)

December 9, 2014

I think 'As Above So Below' should not have been found footage, and it should not have been a horror movie. They had the locations and the ideas for a really interesting treasure hunting movie, but I get the feeling some producers probably told them to make it scarier, and it didn't really work. It wasn't a really bad movie, it just could have been so much better. It followed a young woman who was carrying on her father's work in locating the philosopher's stone which was supposedly buried deep below Paris in a maze of catacombs. She found a guide and brought along a cameraman and some other people and together they got inexplicably lost in tunnels that came out where they began, only different, and in rooms that had relics and reminders from bad things that happened in their past. This movie had so many good ideas, but just couldn't deliver on too many things. I think the worst thing was the found footage. No movie needs to be found footage, but especially not 'As Above So Below'.

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