Saturday, December 20, 2014

477. Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)

December 20, 2014

'Silent Night, Deadly Night' is one of the greatest Christmas-themed horror films of all time. A young boy named Billy gets a terrible warning from his normally mute grandfather about Santa punishing naughty children. Then he watches as a psycho dressed in a Santa suit kills his parents in cold blood. Years later, Billy is in an orphanage and gets in all kinds of trouble with the ultra-strict Mother Superior. When Billy turns 18, one of the nuns from the orphanage helps him get a job at a toy store and everything goes fine until the guy who was supposed to be the store Santa Claus for Christmas doesn't show up and they make Billy do it. He puts on the suit and immediately goes nuts. He starts to punish everyone around by cutting them up into pieces with an axe. This really is one of the greatest horror movies ever made. I went to the theater to see it with some friends a few years ago and the theater caught on fire so we only made it about 10 minutes in. One of these days I hope to finish it on the big screen.

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