Sunday, December 21, 2014

481. Can I Do It... Till I Need Glasses? (1977)

December 21, 2014

This was one of the weirdest movies ever. Advertised as Robin Williams' first movie, 'Can I Do It... Til I Need Glasses?' was basically just a sketch comedy show strung together to make an 80 minute movie. It's also the sequel to 'If You Don't Stop It... You'll Go Blind', which I've never seen. It featured a bunch of stupid, adult-themed jokes that weren't very funny, but somehow I still found myself laughing. It was definitely the kind of movie that couldn't be made today, with all of its innuendos and politically incorrect sentiments. It also didn't really have much Robin Williams, which was a shame. Apparently they released this movie with his scenes cut and then a few years later when he became famous they re-released it with those scenes added and threw his name all over it. Typical, but still annoying. Anyway, similar to 'Movie 43', I don't really think I could recommend this movie to anybody and not feel awkward about it. It'll make you laugh and it'll make you groan, but it is so stupid it's funny, and sometimes that is OK.

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