Saturday, December 6, 2014

455. Stanley (1972)

December 6, 2014

Released one year after 'Willard', 'Stanley' is a very similar story about a man named Tim who has a special connection and bond with snakes, particularly a rattlesnake he calls Stanley. After Tim's father was killed, he became reclusive and lived in a shack in a swamp far removed from society. A few people came to visit him, including a man (Alex Rocco) who knew of Tim's affinity for snakes and figured he could buy some from him for their skins so he could make belts. Tim would hear nothing of it though and told him to get lost. Tim also randomly brought snakes to a stripper who used them in her act. At one point I got the feeling the stripper was Tim's mom, but I'm not sure. When Tim caught Rocco and his cronies capturing and killing snakes, and when the stripper and her manager hatched a plan for her to bite the heads off of live snakes as part of her act, Tim went on the rampage, letting his snakes do his murderous bidding. Tim went too far though, and kidnapped Rocco's daughter and tried to have Stanley kill her, but she was innocent and Stanley knew it. Tim's rage got the better of him so Stanley turned on him. I liked this movie. It wasn't really anything special, and I wouldn't suggest you seek it out, but I did enjoy watching it once.

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