Wednesday, December 10, 2014

464. Black Devil Doll From Hell (1984)

December 10, 2014

Chester Novell Turner made two movies back in the 80s, 'Tales from the Quadead Zone' and 'Black Devil Doll From Hell'. In 'Black Devil Doll From Hell', a deeply religious woman buys a doll from a thrift shop (the lady working at the thrift shop tries to warn her that the doll is cursed, but she doesn't listen) and then imagines it raping her. Her vision ends up coming true and after losing her virginity to the doll she becomes extremely promiscuous and tries to find a man who can bring her the same pleasure that the doll did. She can't find that man, however, so she tries to find the doll again. This movie was pretty fantastic. I would love to have the doll they used in the movie. Massacre Video released a box set of DVDs with both of Turner's movies included, so pick up a copy and check both movies out.

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