Thursday, December 4, 2014

453. Cannibal Campout (1988)

December 4, 2014

I don't think I mentioned it when I reviewed 'Woodchipper Massacre', but I love Jon McBride. 'Cannibal Campout' was the first feature film he directed, and it is awesome. Two young couples go out to the woods for a camping trip despite warnings of homicidal maniacs loose in the area and despite being attacked by a couple psychos on the road to the campsite. They don't seem too disturbed by their encounter with the knife wielding lunatics, and they decide to pitch camp just a little ways up the road. The psychos quickly catch up to them, bringing along a third crazy person wearing a motorcycle helmet and a gas mask who looks like a motocross version of the killer from 'Nail Gun Massacre' (fortunately this killer doesn't speak). The killers are also horny cannibals that hack people up with machetes and cook them on a barbecue grill. The couples try to fight back but are no match for the deranged anthropophagi and wind up having their guts dragged out for dinner. It was a campy, trashy, and hilarious back-woods slasher film and a prime example of do-it-yourself, shot-on-video filmmaking that earned McBride a well-deserved place in cult movie history. I highly recommend you check out this and all of McBride's filmography.

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