Thursday, December 18, 2014

473. Sweet Kill (aka The Arousers) (1972)

December 18, 2014

In the first ten minutes of 'Sweet Kill', you see three naked women and one murder. You might be thinking, since this is an 85 minute movie, they just set a precedent and now we should get to see at least 24 naked women and 8 murders. Unfortunately, this movie runs out of steam pretty quickly. There are a few more murders and a few more nude scenes, but even they can't stop this from being a boring movie. Tab Hunter stars as Eddie, a man who saw his mom naked as a child and now deals with insufferable mommy issues that cause him to kill any woman he gets hot and heavy with - and somehow there are several. He continues to get away with murder, despite the pothead roommate of one of the girls he killed calling the cops and constantly pointing a finger at him. Eddie finally meets a girl he can be with and not feel so uncomfortable that he has to kill her, but that feeling doesn't last long before he can't help himself again. Eddie's back story is flimsy and never fully explained. Did he just see his mom naked? Did they partake in incestuous relations? We only know that he saw her and she knew he saw her, and from then on he was a cold-blooded killer of women. I don't really recommend this movie because it was pretty boring. It was released on DVD by Shout! Factory as part of their Roger Corman's Cult Classics line. Here's the full movie on YouTube:

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