Saturday, December 27, 2014

493. Deathrow Gameshow (1987)

December 27, 2014

Code Red recently unearthed this hilarious film about host Chuck Toedan of a TV game show called Live or Die that features contestants who are on death row trying to answer questions that will either cause them to be killed on the show or possibly win a stay of execution from the governor. The show naturally causes a lot of controversy, and one of the show's more vocal protesters tries to make her opinion heard on another show during an interview. That woman unintentionally becomes involved with Toedan when two gunmen attack him and she is in the crossfire. Toedan pulls her into his car and drives off, which leads to her getting a price on her head when the thugs trying to kill him think they are a couple. Turns out the thugs were hired by the mob after one of Live or Die's contestants, a seasoned mob boss, was electrocuted in a very unflattering way. After Toedan averts the assassination attempts of several hired guns, the mob sends their best man to do the job, Luigi. Luigi brings his mom to the set so she can be on another show next door and she accidentally gets put on the Live or Die show as a contestant. I won't spoil it any more, but I will suggest you head over to Code Red's site and pick up a copy, as this was one of the more entertaining movies I've watched in a while.

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