Tuesday, December 23, 2014

485. Scrooged (1988)

December 23, 2014

Yes, I watched 'Scrooged' again, and yes, it was just as good as the last five hundred times I've seen it. I watched it with some friends and one of them pointed out a few things that I guess I've always known but never really thought about. The first was that the whole Christmas Carol story about Scrooge meeting the ghosts and becoming a better person has a better reputation than it actually deserves. What I mean is, Scrooge sees his past and his present and doesn't really change his personality, but when he sees his future and realizes he dies, he changes his ways because, presumably, he just doesn't want to die. Doesn't matter that much, it is still a good story, just an interesting observation. The second thing was that after the last ghost in 'Scrooged', the rest of the movie is kind of lame. It feels rushed and too cheesy. Oh well. That is just two minor issues with an otherwise perfect holiday movie.

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