Thursday, December 18, 2014

474. The Jekyll and Hyde Portfolio (1971)

December 18, 2014

Vinegar Syndrome recently re-released a double feature of two films directed by Eric Jeffrey Haims, 'A Clock Work Blue', and 'The Jekyll & Hyde Portfolio'. I decided to watch both of them as a double header, starting with 'The Jekyll & Hyde Portfolio'. It was a very strange film that didn't have much of a coherent plot. A woman swinging under a tree meets her death by way of a pitchfork wielding lunatic. The police investigate. It all happens at a school for nurses where the doctors are very strict about the nurses' wardrobes. The head nurse is a lesbian who likes to give her 'famous massages' to all the new girls. One of the doctors likes to dissect frogs and play with their still-beating hearts even after the heart is separated from the body. The police continue to investigate. Some of the girls are staging a play of Jekyll and Hyde and they practice on the stairs. More deaths occur and the police are clueless. Suddenly, the police figure it out and they chase the killer outside, only they got the wrong guy! The real killer shows up and the cops take them out. This wasn't a great movie. It was weird, and it seemed like they were trying, but the story was so muddled that I don't really recommend it.

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