Tuesday, April 29, 2014

215. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

April 29, 2014

We watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes again in anticipation of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes which will be out this summer. Mostly I just like watching it for John Lithgow. I'm not a huge fan of the Planet of the Apes franchise, but I did actually enjoy this one and I'm excited for the next one (which unfortunately will not have Lithgow, but it will have Gary Oldman). In RotPotA, a genetic engineer (James Franco) and his team of scientists are working on a serum to treat Alzheimer's as well as boost other memory functions. Something inevitably goes wrong with the serum and it gets declared unfit for human trials. Franco's funding gets pulled but he doesn't give up. He brings home one of the apes he has been working on, Caesar, and watches his incredible development with the serum. Convinced that the serum is ready, Franco tries it on his Alzheimer's patient father, Lithgow, with great but short-lived results. When Caesar gets taken away from the family for trying to protect them and putting the world's most annoying neighbor in a hospital, he feels neglected and over time trains his fellow captive apes to work together. They escape their prison and Caesar leads his army of apes through a battlefield of confused cops towards the forests. I'd recommend watching it if you plan on seeing the next one, but it is not dependent upon any of the older movies, so that is good.

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