Monday, April 28, 2014

213. Project X (1987)

April 28, 2014

I picked up Project X at the grocery store on DVD for $1, and I'd say I got my money's worth. I doubt that I'll ever watch it again, but I'm not upset that I watched it. Matthew Broderick stars as a military pilot who gets assigned to cleanup duty for a bunch of monkeys in a research study. He ends up getting attached to the monkeys and then finds out that they are being subjected to large amounts of radiation by the government. Because the monkeys are his friends now, he decides vivisection is bad and tries to save them from their treacherous fate. He finds Helen Hunt, the lady who trained the smartest of the monkeys to do sign language, and involves her in the daring escape plan. It was cute in an 80's family-fun kind of way, so if that is what you're in the mood for, enjoy.

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