Sunday, April 27, 2014

209. Secretary (2002)

April 27, 2014

I'm not by any means a masochist, but I liked Secretary. It stars Maggie Gyllenhaal as a young girl fresh out of an insane asylum where she spent some time for being a cutter and an all-round manic depressive, and James Spader as the reclusive attorney who hires Gyllenhaal to be his secretary. Over time their work relationship grows into a weirdly sexual one, with Spader spanking Gyllenhaal for any mistakes she may make in her letters, and with Gyllenhaal intentionally making mistakes so she can get spanked. The domineering Spader also makes her dig through garbage and tells her what she can and can't eat, along with other strange requests, to which Gyllenhaal gratefully obliges, giving both of them some bizarre form of pleasure. It isn't the kind of relationship I'd want to be in, but it makes for an entertaining movie.

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