Friday, April 4, 2014

165. Stage Fright (2014)

April 4, 2014

I can't tell you how excited I was to see this movie. From the initial pictures I saw of it, I thought it was a remake of Michele Soavi's excellent film, but it wasn't. The trailer looked like an amazing new slasher film with a strong 80's vibe and a great new killer, but no such luck. Words can't describe just how disappointed I was when I watched this movie and realized it was essentially a long episode of Glee with the most annoying new killer and about five minutes of 'horror' thrown in. After a pretty impressive opening scene involving a masked killer stabbing Minnie Driver in the face, the movie takes a quick and devastating turn for the worse as a bus full of obnoxious theater kids start singing and making gay jokes for pretty much the rest of the movie. On top of that, the killer sang too (and he tried to sound like Axl Rose). As much as I wanted to like this movie, it was absolute garbage.

Here is the awesome trailer. Maybe it got my hopes too high because the trailer is WAY better than the actual movie...

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