Sunday, April 13, 2014

187. Joe (2013)

April 13, 2014

Starring Nicolas Cage and the main kid from Mud (Tye Sheridan), Joe was a pretty decent movie about a kid trying to do the right thing and support his family despite having a crazy old man for a dad and plenty of other problems. Cage offered him a job killing trees for other businesses to be able to remove them, and more or less took the kid under his wing for the better part of the movie. He also gave the kid's dad a job and realized what a waste he was, which made him feel even more sorry for him. The coolest thing about this movie was that, apparently, the dad was just some homeless guy the director found and gave the job to. Cage also had the most pointless anger management problem and would fly off the handle for pretty much no reason. I think if it had been anyone but him I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much.

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