Saturday, April 5, 2014

169. Beneath (2013)

April 5, 2014

Unfortunately, Beneath was not a very good movie. It fell victim to several horror movie cliches, from the teenagers going out to the woods to the dumb decisions they kept making. They had the jock, his brother - the smart guy, the hot girl (dating the jock but in love with the smart guy), the athletic girl, the outsider, and the annoying geek. These people would never be friends in real life, so why should we believe that they are friends in this movie? They didn't even act like they liked each other that much. Whatever... So they go out to the woods and get on a boat to do something on the other side and the harbinger (Mark Margolis) shows up and basically tells them they're doomed, but being teenagers they don't pay heed to his warning. Pretty quickly they get attacked by a giant fish (the fish was actually cool looking) and then they bicker at each other until one by one they get killed by the fish. The fish was the one redeeming feature about this movie as the writing and acting were all pretty dull.

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