Sunday, April 6, 2014

170. Alyce Kills (2011)

April 6, 2014

This film was pleasantly surprising. I didn't have any expectations (which always seems to be a good way to watch a movie). It had some plot holes and stupid decision making by the characters but I could forgive those because they didn't distract too much from the overall story line. When Alyce, a young, loner girl accidentally pushes her best friend off a roof when they were drunk, she falls deeper and deeper into insanity. She meets a drug dealer and starts taking all kinds of drugs to numb her body, and then starts killing whoever gets in her way. Despite her being an awful person, I still felt for her character and wanted her to get away with everything. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, but for people interested in independent horror films, it is well worth the watch.

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