Sunday, April 27, 2014

211. Proxy (2013)

April 27, 2014

I don't know how I feel about Proxy. I think I hated it, but I also kind of liked it. I know I hated some of the characters. That is as much as I can say with any certainty. A pregnant woman gets brutally attacked on the street by someone with a brick, terminating her pregnancy just weeks before the baby was due. The woman then went to a support group for women who had lost a child, where she formed a friendship with another woman who lost her husband and son in a drunk driving accident. Turns out they weren't dead, she just really wanted the attention. Also turns out the first woman wasn't exactly who she was supposed to be. That is all I can say without giving too much away. Suffice to say this movie was weird and uncomfortable and left a pretty bad taste in my mouth.

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