Wednesday, April 9, 2014

179. The Brain (1998)

April 9, 2014

The Brain was a fun movie about some high school kids who try to stop a mad scientist from taking over the world with his televised hypnotism, powered by a giant creature he called 'The Brain'. Mostly it was just fun because I found it at the thrift shop on VHS for a quarter. Mostly. I have to give credit to my boss, Ted, for giving me his old VCR and reigniting my passion for finding cheap VHS obscurities wherever I can. There wasn't a whole lot more to the plot of The Brain. The main guy ended up in an insane asylum where he met the crazy doctor behind the nefarious world-domination scheme. He found the brain in a back room and from then on it was him and his girlfriend running away from everyone else. He tried to tell the cops but they were more inclined to listen to the doctor than an escaped mental patient. Meanwhile, through the television, people were getting hypnotised left and right and being forced to kill. Like I said, it was pretty fun, and it was definitely worth the quarter I spent to see it even though it is currently available to watch for free on YouTube.

Here is a scene to show you just how awesome and scary this movie is:

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