Thursday, April 17, 2014

193. The Strangeness (1985)

April 17, 2014

With a name like The Strangeness, and the truly inspired poster art accompanying it, you'd think this movie would be incredible. Unfortunately it just isn't really anything. I've tried several times to watch The Strangeness, but I almost always fall asleep. This time I was determined, and I'm proud to say I finally made it through. I wouldn't call it bad or good, just middle-of-the-road, independent film making. There was a crazy stop-motion creature living in an abandoned gold mine and it still looked cooler than any CGI effects out there today. There were several young people who spent most of their time talking about nothing until their eventual demise. Mostly it was just that - talk and talk and talk then die. So it had a couple good things, but it sure had some long, drawn out, boring bits to pad the run-time. As desperately as I wanted to enjoy this movie, I can ultimately only suggest it to anyone who desperately needs a nap.

Here is the whole movie on YouTube:

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