Wednesday, April 9, 2014

180. Cheap Thrills (2013)

April 9, 2014

Cheap Thrills wasn't bad. It wasn't great, and it certainly wasn't a new idea, but it had some interesting bits and was entertaining enough to keep me watching. It starts with a guy who is about as down on his luck as you can get - he lost his job, he couldn't pay his bills, etc., etc. After leaving work for the last time he stopped by a bar and ran into an old friend and traded stories about how awful things were. Then they met a couple who started paying them to do whatever strange things popped into their heads. I suppose it was trying to show how far people will go when they need money, and it was pretty far. It reminded me a little of 'Would You Rather' which I hated, even though I didn't hate Cheap Thrills. I guess it was worth watching, although there are plenty of movies I'd suggest watching first.

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