Monday, April 7, 2014

174. Tank Girl (1995)

April 7, 2014

I never read the Tank Girl comics, so the discrepancies between the film and the comics don't mean anything to me, but apparently they are a big deal to some people. Tank Girl is a film I thought I had seen (and maybe I had seen parts of it), but now I'm pretty sure I'd never seen it. I couldn't help but think it must have been really annoying when it came out, but now it holds a slight nostalgic charm that makes me not miss but casually remember that the '90s happened. It takes place sometime in the future when the Earth's water supply is almost dry and what is left is owned and controlled by an evil corporation headed by Malcolm McDowell. Lori Petty stars as Tank Girl and Naomi Watts plays her brilliant sidekick, Jet Girl. Ice-T leads a gang of mutant kangaroo people. It was pretty weird and had some enjoyable moments, but occasionally leaned a little on the boring and annoying side and would've benefited from some editing.

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