Sunday, April 13, 2014

186. Popcorn (1991)

April 13, 2014

It had been several years since I had seen Popcorn, and I have to admit I was a little let down. I remembered it being much better than it was. I still enjoyed it for what it was and I'd still probably watch it again, it just didn't live up to my fonder memories. Some unforgivably obnoxious film students clean up an old theater and stage a horror movie extravaganza complete with over-the-top gags (including buzzers in the seats and a giant mosquito hovering over the crowd). I have to give them credit for going all out with the costumes - everyone in the audience showed up in costume. The film students end up uncovering some old film and learn more about the sordid history of the theater. Then someone starts killing everyone during the sold out show. If you haven't seen it, give it a watch just to say you've seen it, but don't get your hopes up too much, it isn't that great. It is a little hard to find, since it is long out of print on DVD. I got an old VHS copy from a friend and watched that.

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