Friday, April 4, 2014

166. America 3000 (1986)

April 4, 2014

It took me a while to get used to the weird, 80s-futuristic vernacular used in this movie. It is set 900 years in the future after a nuclear war has decimated most life on Earth and sent the survivors back into the stone age. Women rule in the future, and they keep men in different categories: toys, seeders, and slaves. Two of the men escape and form their own tribe and work to defeat the women. When one of the men stumbles into a perfectly preserved presidential bunker, he gathers what weapons he can and pretends to be a prophecized president that will lead over everyone and reunite all people. It was as goofy as you'd expect it to be, and once you get past the way they speak it is actually a fairly OK movie.

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