Sunday, April 13, 2014

184. Whip It (2009)

April 13, 2014

I haven't liked Ellen Page since I saw (and despised) the movie Hard Candy, and I haven't liked pretty much any movie that she has popped up in since then. With that in mind, I still decided to give Whip It a chance. Probably because it was directed by Drew Barrymore and I saw the trailer before some other movie and it looked alright. I ended up actually really liking it though, and I think my opinion on Ellen Page may have shifted just a little bit. I was impressed that this movie actually explained the rules of roller derby, which made for a much more pleasant viewing experience than Unholy Rollers. I also really liked that Daniel Stern was in it, because he is awesome and should be in a lot more movies. I'd say Whip It was definitely worth watching for an enjoyable sports movie.


  1. So... where do you stand on "Super"?

    1. Still haven't seen it, it has been on my queue for a while... Should I watch it?

  2. I really enjoyed it, and I would have thought it right in your wheelhouse - until I learned of your Ellen Page aversion...

    I still think you'd like it - it's James Gunn after all.

    1. I'll check it out. I'll still watch her movies, I just don't think she is that great of an actress. I do love James Gunn!

    2. Hey, I don't remember if I told you or not, but I did finally watch Super, and I absolutely loved it! I actually like Ellen Page now. Honestly, the reason I didn't like her to begin with was Hard Candy. I hated that movie and I was disappointed by Inception.
