Wednesday, April 16, 2014

190. Oculus (2014)

April 16, 2014

Oculus was a bit of a let down. I know a few friends who enjoyed it, but I just felt like it was missing something. Kind of like they didn't really think some things out before they made it. Maybe that is just me, and maybe I'm being too hard on it, but some of the plot holes and poor decision making made me cringe. It started with a little girl and her brother in what seemed like an abusive household, but was actually due to to a haunted mirror that made people do horrible things and have hallucinations. The mirror sucked all the life out of everything around and killed off everyone except for the kids. The brother was accused of killing the parents and was sent to a mental institution. Several years later, the sister found the mirror at an auction and with her brother fresh out of the asylum she planned for the two of them to destroy the mirror. She came up with an elaborate plan to "kill" the mirror, which was much easier said than done. She also dug up some history on the mirror and it turned out that everyone who ever owned it had gone insane or was killed. It wasn't a terrible movie, I just wasn't really a fan.

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