Saturday, April 12, 2014

182. Southern Comfort (1981)

April 12, 2014

Southern Comfort was a good movie, about a group of National Guards who get sent in to the Louisiana swamps to do some task and end up getting hunted by angry hillbillies through the swamp. You can't blame the hillbillies though... The National Guards stole their canoes and then fired blanks at them to scare them off (they fired blanks because they didn't bring any real ammunition with them). Justifiably perturbed, the locals fired back (with real bullets) and killed one of the National Guards. For some reason, the hot-headed National Guards kept trying to capture the shooter, eventually capturing a different man and burning down his house, then keeping him as their prisoner. Those are all very bad ideas as it turns out, because the remaining hillbillies systematically killed off the National Guards to get their friend back. It is the kind of movie where you end up rooting for the 'bad guys' because the 'good guys' are incompetent jerks. Good movie though, and I would recommend watching it for an interesting story and really good acting.

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