Saturday, April 5, 2014

168. Contracted (2013)

April 5, 2014

I really wanted to like Contracted, but it was so poorly written that I just couldn't. It had some cool gore and effects, but not enough to make the movie worth watching. The main girl was supposed to be a lesbian although her relationship was never believable and her partner didn't seem interested at all. After being date-raped at a party and waking up only partly remembering what happened, she refused to tell anyone she was raped and she refused to go to the hospital. That was frustrating to begin with but it just became absurd at the point when her body was deteriorating to the extent of losing hair, fingernails, teeth, and lots of blood (as well as many other disgusting disfigurations), yet she still refused to get help. She found out from a friend that the guy who raped her was wanted by the police and anyone who had been in contact with him needed to get emergency care immediately and contact the police. Of course she didn't do either of those things (why would she?). She eventually told her girlfriend that she had sex with a guy and her girlfriend was furious and broke up with her. Seriously... If you get raped, call it what it is, and call the police! For me it was impossible to look past the stupidity of the lead character. I obviously felt sorry for her and hoped for revenge at first but instead they never show you the rapist again and they don't even really act like she got raped (even when a drug dealer tells her he sold the guy a roofie!). Contracted was a stupid movie that I would specifically recommend not seeing.

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