Monday, April 7, 2014

176. Jennifer's Body (2009)

April 8, 2014

Jennifer's Body was way better than I would have ever expected. I think a lot of people lost interest in it when they cast Megan Fox, but she did a fine job and it is actually a really cool movie that will probably end up with a decent cult following. Fox stars as Jennifer, the super-attractive high school girl who everyone wants to date. She falls for a terrible singer in a terrible band and when she tells him she is a virgin he tries to sacrifice her in a pagan ritual. Since she wasn't a virgin, the ritual fails and she ends up possessed by a demonic, flesh-eating creature. Her best friend, Amanda Seyfried, is the only one with any idea, and she tries her best to stop Jennifer before she kills everyone they know. I strongly suggest this movie to anyone interested in fun b-movie horror films. It is surprisingly good and well worth the watch.

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