Monday, March 31, 2014

159. Laserblast (1978)

March 31, 2014

Laserblast was kind of cool, but not by any means a good movie. I have no idea how old the characters were supposed to be, since the main guy looked like he was 30 but still lived with his mom and didn't seem like he had any kind of job. The plot was mostly pointless and a little too convenient. The guy went to visit his girlfriend and when her crazy grandpa sent him away, he drove into the desert and stopped his car right next to where aliens had just killed a guy and left the laser gun they were after. He picked up the gun and with the help of some kind of charm necklace he started shooting everything in sight. The problem was, the longer he wore the necklace, the more he turned into some kind of evil alien creature. With the aliens and the law closing in on him, he recklessly destroys cars and mailboxes and kills a few people along the way. There wasn't much point to it all but it was at least entertaining enough to watch. Also enjoyable to see Roddy McDowall in a short cameo as a doctor. Watch it if you are in the mood for a real campy alien flick from the 70s.

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