Friday, March 14, 2014

147. Werewolves on Wheels (1971)

March 13, 2014

This is my first review by request - requested by my brother-in-law, Heath. Heath, I don't know if you've already seen this movie or not, but I think you'd probably like it. I thought it was pretty awesome! When a tough gang of bikers called The Devil's Advocates, who spent their time going around stirring up trouble, found themselves at a gathering spot for a satanic cult, things started to get weird. The cult fed them wine and bread which put them all to sleep, then they lured the leader's girlfriend into their church and did a ritual which involved her dancing around naked for Satan. When the bikers woke up and saw what was going on they started beating up the cult members (who didn't put up any kind of fight, but marked the faces of the bikers with some kind of ink). The bikers took off, but over the next few days some people in their gang started dying in brutal ways. Eventually, they figured out that some of the gang were turning into werewolves at night, and after a big battle among themselves, they headed back to the cult to try to end their curse. It was actually pretty cool, and the last 5-10 minutes were really intense and really funny. Definitely worth watching.


  1. ...a tough gang of bikers called The Devil's Advocates, who spent their time going around taking up arbitrarily contrary rhetorical positions.

    A MC made up entirely of English lit majors who lettered in debate.
