Tuesday, March 25, 2014

155. The Darjeeling Limited (2007)

March 25, 2014

I think I'd have to say The Darjeeling Ltd. is my least favorite Wes Anderson film. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it, and I'm fine with watching it whenever, but I don't think it really compares with his other work. It tells the story of three brothers (Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, and Jason Schwartzman) who meet up on a train going across India. Arranged by Wilson as a sort of 'spiritual journey' and a chance to rekindle their relationship that was severely strained after the death of their father, the trip was secretly Wilson's attempt to find their mother (Anjelica Huston) and, with the help of his brothers, bring her back home. The brothers spent most of their time arguing and picking on each other, but in the end they realized how much they needed to be together again. The movie has a lot of interesting situations and funny moments, but it drags a little bit and I can't help but compare it to Anderson's other films, which I like better. Worth the watch if you're a fan of his movies (but then you've probably already seen it).

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