Thursday, March 27, 2014

156. Grand Piano (2014)

March 27, 2014

Grand Piano was great! It was basically Speed or Phone Booth for intellectuals. Elijah Wood plays a world renowned concert pianist giving his first performance after a mistake on stage led him to take a 5 year hiatus. During the concert he finds that someone has written on his sheet music in bold red ink that if he stops playing or if he plays a wrong note he will die. Shaken, but not entirely convinced it isn't a joke, he continues playing, but on the next page it keeps going and as the pages go on the writing gets more sadistic and someone in the audience has trained a red dot sight on him. When Wood gets to a break he goes to his changing room and finds an earpiece and puts it on. John Cusack's voice then announces himself as the killer and tells him to keep playing or Wood's wife will be killed. This goes on for the rest of the movie, but it never gets boring or monotonous. I would definitely recommend it for an interesting and fun thriller.

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