Saturday, March 1, 2014

128. The Grifters (1990)

March 1, 2014

I think author Jim Thompson might have had an issue with violence towards women. While I haven't read a lot of his work, I have read some, and the two movies based on his books that I have seen now (The Killer Inside Me and The Grifters) have an uncomfortable amount of men beating women. It was a central theme in The Killer Inside Me, but it was more-or-less just something that happened in The Grifters. Before I talk about The Grifters, let's just begin by saying if you are considering perpetrating violence towards a woman, please don't. It is never the right thing to do. Ok, about the movie: The Grifters was a movie much longer than it needed to be. It followed a man (John Cusack), his crazy girlfriend (Annette Bening), and his also crazy mother (Anjelica Huston) on their intertwining day-to-day lives as con artists. Despite a few small cons here and there, Cusack primarily wanted to be a good guy and get out of the grifter lifestyle. After a con went bad and he took a baseball bat to the gut and his mother took him to the hospital which saved his life. His mother and girlfriend constantly bickered while they were together and their bickering eventually escalated to the extreme. The movie actually went from a decent, semi-entertaining con movie to an uninteresting argument between crazy people. I will say that the last scene with Huston and Cusack was pretty shocking, and I didn't see it coming. See it if you want, but I don't think it was that good of a movie.

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