Sunday, March 30, 2014

158. Dolemite (1975)

March 30, 2014

If you haven't seen Dolemite, what's wrong with you? The incomparable Rudy Ray Moore stars as Dolemite, the smooth talking, karate chopping, ladies' man who was wrongly arrested and sent to jail by crooked cops. With some help from Queen Bee the warden of the jail sides with Dolemite and let's him go free with the condition that he is to help stop the corruption in the police department. When he gets out everything is different, including his club, The Total Experience, which has been taken over by Dolemite's enemy, Willie Green. Dolemite has to take out the trash, from the crooked cops who keep trying to take him out to the pimps and hustlers who want to cut in on Dolemite's action. With plenty of sex, fighting, sex, revenge, and more sex, Dolemite is awesome. I highly recommend it.

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