Monday, March 10, 2014

142. Almost Human (2013)

March 9, 2014

For a really low budget sci-fi horror film, Almost Human was really good. Some of the acting was a little questionable, but the effects were not bad and the story was good enough to keep me interested. When a man, Seth, shows up at his friend Mark's house freaking out about some kind of extraterrestrial beam that shot down and vanished the friend who was with him, Mark gets his gun and tries to go investigate, only to be beamed up as well. Two years later, Mark appears from out of nowhere and starts killing people and then reanimating their bodies by putting some kind of alien life form in them. The one complaint I have with this movie (and it isn't much), was that the aliens had this piercing scream that humans just couldn't handle, and instead of using that to stop humans from killing them, some of the aliens just fought the humans with regular weapons. I just know if I was an alien bent on taking over the human race and I had some kind of screaming power that rendered humans useless, I'd take advantage of it. Nevertheless, Almost Human was pretty entertaining, and well worth the watch.

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