Friday, March 7, 2014

139. All About Evil (2010)

March 6, 2014

I actually really enjoyed this movie. A friend of mine told me it wasn't very good, so I didn't have high expectations going into it, but I thought it was pretty fun. It was about a girl, Debbie (Natasha Lyonne), who took over an old theater after her father passed away. Her mother, a truly awful person, decided they were going to sell the theater. When Debbie wouldn't sign the paperwork to sell the theater, her mother got mean and started belittling her until she finally snapped. With the security cameras filming everything, Debbie stabbed her mother to death with a pen. The projectionist was not in the booth at the time and the audience was getting anxious for the film to start, so Debbie ran up to turn on the film and accidentally played the security camera footage for the audience. Everyone loved the realism of Debbie's film, and told her to make more. Struck by her new-found fame, Debbie went full-on homicidal maniac crazy and started killing lots of people to make her movies. She even recruited some local psychos to help facilitate her crimes. She became an overnight celebrity and was easily getting away with murder until one of her fans noticed his friend missing and figured out what was going on. Definitely worth watching for the copious amount of movie references in every scene, as well as for the tongue in cheek satire on what some people will do to be a star.

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