Friday, March 28, 2014

157. 300 Rise of an Empire (2014)

March 28, 2014

300 Rise of an Empire was one of the most unnecessary sequels of all time. On top of that, it was an absolutely terrible movie. The plot is pretty straight forward, the Greeks and the Persians are still fighting, and the whole movie consists of several battles between the two. What makes it awful is the abysmal CGI (the blood looked like animated barbecue sauce), the cheesy acting (which was to be expected), and most of all - the main 'villain' of the movie (played by Eva Green) was shown as a child witnessing her parents murdered in front of her and then being kept as a sex slave to be raped and beaten repeatedly until she was finally left to die. She didn't die, and with her skills in combat she was able to rise up to command the Persian army with the goal of getting revenge against the Greeks. Knowing that back story, you are still supposed to want her to lose. I couldn't get past that, so for the entire movie I just hoped she would win, knowing full well that she wouldn't, and then I still left disappointed. Oh, and every time there was a battle, people would just take their helmets off for no reason. I understand that you need to be able to point out who your main characters are so the audience will know who to pay attention to, but it is really irritating to see someone take their helmet off during a battle. If it is that big of a deal, just don't have them wear helmets in the first place. Oh well, it was a stupid movie and one that I would recommend to avoid if possible.

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