Thursday, March 13, 2014

144. The Monuments Men (2014)

March 11, 2014

I liked The Monuments Men more than I thought I would. I did fall asleep during the first few minutes, but not because the movie was bad, it just started slow and I was tired. Once it got going, however, I was wide awake and very much interested in what was going on. The plot was a little far-fetched, even though it was based on a true story. A group of soldiers during World War II formed a team to recover and return all of the art stolen by the Nazis, which included thousands of the most famous paintings and sculptures ever made. I think the only way it would have been more believable would have been if Indiana Jones himself was leading the team. As it was, the team was made up of some really excellent actors, including Bill Murray, John Goodman, Bob Balaban, George Clooney, and Matt Damon. Don't expect a lot of non-stop action or explosions or anything like that. It wasn't that kind of movie. It primarily focused on the importance of art in human history, and the people who were passionate enough to fight and die for it.

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