Friday, July 25, 2014

316. Spookies (1986)

July 25, 2014

'Spookies' is... different. Originally titled 'Twisted Souls', several legal issues caused the production and crew to go separate ways until someone was able to come in and film more scenes with a totally different cast and story. They called their patchwork gallimaufry 'Spookies' and to the surprise of no one it flopped miserably. That isn't to say it wasn't without merit. I found it strangely entertaining even though it doesn't make a single bit of sense. Some folks show up at a haunted old mansion where a lonely boy just celebrated a birthday party (thrown by ghosts, maybe?). A cat-like man creature tries to tempt the boy for some reason. Several creatures and special effects (some good, some not-so-good) made by a long list of FX artists including Gabe Bartalos, padded the run-time. Then, for some reason, there were flatulent mummy creatures that attacked people. To be honest, I don't have a clue what was happening or why. This movie needed a lot of help. Worth watching if you want to see some cool creatures and don't mind being thoroughly confused for about an hour and a half.

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