Tuesday, July 8, 2014

300. Primal Rage (1988)

July 8, 2014

From the opening credits to 'Primal Rage' I was hooked. A guy on a bike who clearly doesn't understand how a camera works rides around taking pictures of kids on a college campus doing decidedly stereotypical 80's things while an even more decidedly stereotypical 80's song plays until he meets and saves a girl from a tow truck driver just doing his job. The guy's sleazy friend and co-worker at the school newspaper borrows his camera to help him get pictures of the inside of a scientific research lab and blow the lid off a scandal rife with illegal vivisection and corrupt scientists. When the animal he takes a picture of scratches him, the sleazy guy starts going crazy and turns into some kind of slimy, lunatic, zombie thing and ends up biting and scratching other people, turning them into what he is. Pretty gnarly nonsense, really, but I had a good time.

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